
Master of Education (M.Ed.) is a full-time post-graduate program for a duration of two academic years,  approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). The course focuses on, reflective based theoretical, practical, extra-curricular and research activities as well as provide opportunities to extend and deeper their knowledge, specialized in their selected areas to develop research capacities that help them to be dedicated, energetic and sharp teachers educators.  

The program strives to prepare students as teacher educators and educational professionals including curriculum developers, educational policy analysts, administrators, supervisors, school principals, and researchers for developing a global as well as national vision for education in the 21st century. It covers all the relevant areas of development for prospective teachers and teacher educators.

 Program Objectives:

The objectives of the M.Ed. program are as under:   

1. To provide the knowledge of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Management for building the capacities in teaching, research and community extension work in the field of education as well as teacher education.

2.  To develop the skills and capacity for critical analysis of current issues in education and the application of research-based approaches keeping in view the needs of the people at the local, national, and global levels.

3.  To equip the teacher educators with the knowledge & skills of new technologies in a socio-economic context focusing on understanding the principles of organizational management, Leadership and systemic change.

4. To develop the knowledge and skills for dealing with issues related to population, environment, gender equality, different literacy, and yoga and health education.

5. To train teacher educators for developing their positive attitudes, and teaching skills for enabling them to become multifaceted personalities shining in any chosen field.

6. To increase the sensitivity of professional ethics, code of conduct, values, and humanity.

Affiliations & Accreditations


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