Alumni Feedback Form

*Name of Alumni : Father's Name :
Present Address : *Mobile No :
* Email : Academic Qualification :
* Course : Passing Year :
Current Job Place : Designation :

To further improve the quality of Education that we impart, please give us your valuable feedback as per the following points. Kindly select the appropriate option as per the following criteria:

1. How do you rate development academic activities /initiatives organized by the college for your overall development?
2. Rate the adequacy of following as they were during your tenure as a student at MCPS.
Computer facilities
Sports & extracurricular activities
3. Rate the following attribute of MCPS
Quality of support material
Canteen facilities
Behaviour of faculty/Staff
4. Have you obtained sufficient technical know-how (both in theory and practice) at MCPS, if yes to what extent
5. Rate the following academic initiatives taken by the college to improve technical know-how of the students.
Seminar & Workshop
Special Training classes for bridging Academic Gap
6. Were the MCPS Staff cooperative? If yes to what extent.
7. Is the education imparted at MCPS useful and relevant in your present job, If yes then rate it.
8. Have you availed career guidance & counseling for higher studies by placement cell? If yes to what extent.
9. Were your grievances properly handled at the college?
10. Have you made any significant achievement as:
a. A student of MCPS, if yes, Please share details
b. An Alumni, if yes please share details
11. MCPS involving Alumni in its activities?
12. This is How I feel I can Contribute to my alma mater :-
13. What other ideas would you suggest to improve this course (e.g., changes in course structure, assignments or exams)?


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